Marotta misleads and goysplains in classic case of projection
Andrew Gross Published March 21, 2022 Updated June 16, 2023 Last week Brendon Marotta published " A Jewish Guide To Talking To...

German intactivist projects deceitful and bullying tactics - UPDATE
Published August 22, 2020 Updated March 28, 2021 Ulf Dunkel, a 57 year-old German salesman, has created and maintained a Wikipedia-style...

Circumcision Choice promotes a post that defamed us
August 14, 2019 A 23 year-old Ohio mother created The Bitchy Intactivist page to post derisive anti-circumcision memes that she would be...

How do intactivists excuse their own behavior? Projection
January 3, 2018 Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person projects her own thoughts, motivations, or actions on...