Pants on Fire
December 24, 2024
In response to a statement implying that circumcision has no medical complications, intactivist scholar Brian Earp recently expressed his "astonishment at the truly brazen, on-their face-obviously-false, claims."
We at Circumcision Choice are astonished at the truly brazen, on-their-face-obviously-false claims made about circumcision and foreskin by circumcision opponents.
These include at:
Foreskin has at least 16 necessary physical and sexual functions.
Foreskin never causes any physical or sexual problems.
All uncircumcised men are happy to have foreskin.
Women who have experience with both types prefer an uncircumcised partner.
Just 1 in 16,667 men will ever need to be circumcised in his lifetime.
Foreskin has 20,000 highly erotic nerve endings that provide 75% of a man's sexual pleasure.
Circumcision causes premature ejaculation.
Circumcision causes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (a.k.a. S.I.D.S. a.k.a. cot death)
Circumcision causes rape.
Circumcision inhibits the penentration of the penis into the vagina.
Circumcision inhibits procreation.
One or both sides are predemoninantly circumcised in every war.
Phenomenal nuke of their stupidity.